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The next supervision session was focused on the interim report. By the time of the session, I already had about half of it done so I managed to submit a draft beforehand. We concluded that the information needed to be rearranged on the page and I needed to add more details to everything I explained, making the report more academic. 

The interim report writing process helped shape my idea and made me fully understand what my project was about. Once I managed to put everything on paper, I was able to see the bigger picture much better. To write the report, I narrowed down my academic research to books I considered truly essential in shaping my idea. I did the same when it came to describing similar practices that inspired me in designing an outline for my exhibition. I followed the directions I got from class and from the supervision sessions - I believe this is what helped shape my report to a more academic standard. I will explain my research and inspiration sources in more depth in the following pages. 

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